A P R I L , 2 0 1 7
“I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in
and stops my mind from wandering
where it will go”
Lennon/McCartney – “Fixing a Hole”
his month’s
Community Trends
focuses on articles about
“Seasonal Maintenance,” which reminds me (along with
the few days of warmer weather we are having as I
write this in early March) that Spring is right around the corner
and it will soon be time for Memorial Day picnics, the open-
ing of pools, repairing gutters and roof leaks from snow and
ice damage, roadway pothole repairs, power washing and
painting, termite and insect inspections and proof that Spring
has sprung – landscaping!
For those of you – like me – who are community man-
agers, we are all used to the changes from season to
season; wandering around the properties performing site
inspections, sending out notices for dryer vent cleaning,
landscape projects, irrigation and pool maintenance, pre-
paring budgets, lining up contractors to handle snow clear-
ing, dealing with complaints over holiday decorations, etc.
A lot of it seems like wash, rinse and repeat. In that regard,
I hope this month’s articles give you some guidance and/
or new ideas as to how to attack these tasks.
However, in addition to educating our associations with
respect to why all seasonal maintenance is important, I
wanted to remind everyone that educating ourselves is
equally as important, whether we are community manag-
ers, community association volunteer leaders (CAVLs) or
even business partners.
In the coming months, the CAI-NJ chapter has a number
of events to both educate you as well as to help you find
that new landscaper, roofer, maintenance company or
paving contractor:
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 –
2017 Community
Association Legislative Update at Eagle Ridge POA in
West Orange from 9 am – 12 pm (Admission is FREE!);
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 –
2017 Community
Association Legislative Update at Horizons at Woods
Landing in Mays Landing;
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 –
The CAI-NJ Lecture
Series continues with another seminar at the chapter
office in Freehold;
Thursday, April 27, 2017 –
Spring Break
Networking Event at Windows on the Water in Sea
Bright from 6 pm – 9 pm.
Moving into May, we have the popular Manager &
Business Partner Round Table event on Tuesday, May 16,
2017 at Stockton Seaview Hotel & Golf Club in Galloway,
NJ and the M-205 (Risk Management) in Monroe on May
18th and 19th.
Finally, continuing with the education theme, I just
wanted to give a quick plug to the CAI “Business Partner
Essentials,” of which I know many of you have already
taken advantage. Business Partner Essentials is a two-part,
online course to help CAI business partner members better
understand CAI, community associations and the industry
at large. Individuals who pass the course and maintain CAI
membership earn the CAI Educated Business Partner dis-
tinction, gaining special recognition among thousands of
companies and professionals who support common-interest
communities, including accountants, attorneys, bankers,
insurance professionals, landscapers, painters, reserve spe-
cialists, software providers and many others.
You can find out more on the Business Partner Essentials
from CAI National’s website:
Here’s to enjoying warm(er) weather!
Peace and Love,