7-11 April 2014
“With this patented method, the
machine bends even the most complex
isometrics.” This opens up a large
variety of application options in profile
The company will also show its newly
developed machine control. In addition
to its easy operation, the synchronous
control of the individual machine
axes contributes to time-optimised
production. In the case of multi-stack
machines, for example, the transaction
times between two bends are reduced
to a minimum.
“Today, the processes in the
manufacturing industry have to run
faster, more cost-effective and more
individualised,” said Hartmut Stöhr, the
other managing director. “That’s why
we paid attention to simplified operation
and intelligent linking of control software
and machine during the development.
Extremely economic processes and low
error rates are the result.”
The new, easy-to-operate machine control
from Schwarze-Robitec
The company integrated another
advantage in the form of a diagnostic
and maintenance tool guiding the user
through all setting and optimisation
steps. At their stand, Schwarze-Robitec
specialists will provide information
about current industry trends, new
developments, and the Schwarze-
Robitec product and service range.
Fax: +49 221 89008 9920
Siempelkamp GmbH & Co KG
SIEMPELKAMP reports that Tenaris
Confab, Brazil, has demonstrated
enthusiasm for its metal forming presses.
For the production of longitudinally
welded pipeline pipes, the company
ordered a 500 MN O-forming press
for its location in Pindamonhangaba,
São Paulo, in 2011. The company later
ordered an 18 MN U-forming press.
Siempelkamp says that the customer
was highly satisfied with the results of
the first press cycles and felt reassured
with its decision to have selected a
Siempelkamp concept.
With both presses, Tenaris will
produce grade X70 pipes with a wall
thickness of up to 55mm and an external
diameter ranging between 12¾" and
48". The presses will also allow material
grades X80 and X100.
The 500 MN O-forming press is
equipped with five main cylinders, and
applies a force of 40,000kN per metre.
Combined with Siempelkamp’s patented
multi-cylinder parallelism control, the
control ensures that the moving beam
maintains a position parallel to the
press table within a tolerance of ±1mm
over the entire length. The modular tool
concept reduces the tool costs per pipe
The 18 MN U-forming press replaces
an old 9 MN U-forming press from the
1970s. With an automated tool change
system and an automated clamping
system for tool segments, the setup
times are reduced.
A special feature for both presses is
their energy-efficient drive system. For
the basic movement of the moving beam
of the O-forming press, the oil-hydraulic
drive was equipped with variable-speed
high-pressure pumps. With this control
concept the potential energy as well as
the energy stored inside the elasticities
during the forming process can be
recovered. The energy is then fed back
as electricity into the supply network.
Due to the variable-speed high-
pressure pumps, the U-forming press
also achieves high energy efficiency.
At any time, the amount of energy used
is the actual amount needed for the
forming process.
Fax: +49 2151 92 5683
Sikora AG
IN 2003, Sikora presented the X-ray
measuring device X-RAY 2000 for
the first time – the predecessor of
the current X-RAY 6000. The system
has been successful for 11 years and
offers hose and tube manufacturers a
continuous quality assurance, combined
with increased productivity and long-
term cost saving.
Producers of hoses and tubes are
facing global competition and are
especially measured in terms of their
product quality and reliability. An
important aspect in this respect is the
continuous measurement and control
of the wall thickness, the eccentricity
and the inner and outer diameter of the
The X-RAY 6000 celebrates its 11
control is the basis for the reduction of
production costs, start-up scrap and
rejections due to a lack of quality.
For online quality control during hose
and tube extrusion, Sikora offers the
X-ray measuring device X-RAY 6000
and the high-end series X-RAY 6000
PRO. The X-RAY 6000 is particularly
interesting for production lines where
only products with single layer, resp.
the total wall thickness have to be
It is a cost-effective and at the same
time very powerful measuring device
for the continuous measurement of the
inner and outer diameter, wall thickness
and eccentricity.
U- and O-forming presses at Tenaris Confab