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Kipcon, Inc.

Questions answered by Mitchell H. Frumkin, P.E., R.S., C.G.P., President


t is hard for me to believe that it was 30 years ago when

I started Kipcon based on a dream I always had to be the

owner of my own engineering firm. It all began in high

school when I was taking technical drawing classes and

realized that I found a passion for engineering. The dream

continued when I was a sophomore at Tulane University and

learned that a "kip" is a unit of force equivalent to 1,000

pounds and the company name was born with Kip Consulting

eventually evolving into Kipcon. This dream is still alive at

Kipcon as we continue to fulfill the vision of being on the cut-

ting edge of community association engineering!

What is your role in the organization? What

is your background? How long have you been

in the industry?

As the founder of Kipcon, my role is to continue to lead

the organization in providing cutting edge engineering ser-

vices to the industry. I have a bachelors degree in engineer-

ing from Tulane University and an MBA from Rutgers. I have

been active in the industry for 30 years and have served

as President of the NJ and Delaware Valley Chapters, the

Foundation for Community Association Research as well

as the national organization. I have spearheaded the

development of the National Reserve Study Standards as

well as the Best Practices paper on Reserves and Transition

which, under my leadership, are both in the process of

being updated.

Is there a specific project or program that you

would like to highlight?

At Kipcon we provide all types of engineering design ser-

vices and take great pride in constantly striving to improve

these services. When it comes to capital replacements,

we view them as the opportunity for capital improvements.

Whether it is by the use of low maintenance materials or

high efficiency equipment, the goal is always to evaluate

aesthetics, function and long term costs. An example of

how we have done this is with the development of Green

Reserve Studies, which not only evaluates replacement

costs but also the long term costs of maintenance and


What might someone be surprised to learn

about your company?

Although we are well known for our industry leading

expertise in Reserve and Transition Studies, we also offer

a full range of design services. Typical projects include

(above) The Kipcon, Inc. team.