More than a century ago—in the simple days of 1819—
a typical Spanish chophouse rose above the walls at
the entrance of the Monserrate gate. - it was a
pleasant grilled structure, a rendevous for beaux, musicians,
army officers, attorneys, actors, gentlemen of culture and
honor, desirous to partake of the dellclous and tasty "mixed
gin" or cherry Brandy. Ladies In their carriages under bright
silken paraseis sipped dellclous brandies while being courted
by theIr gallant knights.
This Ideal venerated place was called the "Sllver PIne".
This was over a century ago.
Now—wlth the passing of years—the "Sllver PIne" facing
Albear Square, overlooking the oíd colonial streets flled wlth
traditlons of Its romantic past, has been renamed "La
"The Sllver PIne" and "La Florida" café stlll stand, the
former In our remembrance, the latter In the reailty of Ilfe's
dally toll, serving the publlc, business men, pollticlans,
professionals, writers and the most beautlful of elegant
women, wlth exquisito whipped fruit ¡ulces and most dellcate
wines and cocktalls.
"The Sllver PIne" chophouse was transformed during the
days of the American occupatlon Into headquarters for t¿e
good Yankee tipplers. The bartenders gradually modernizad
the simple drinks of our ancestors and the valuable efforts
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