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and to find out just what he had on the shaer. The señor,

I was informed, pitches his cocktails at "La Florida" bar and

there I found him, already in unlform of white jacket and

apron, ready to show his change of pace.

His repertoire, I learned, includes the three of Cuba's

most popular cocktails—Daiquirí No. 4, the President and

the Pepín Rivero—all his own inventions. The Daiquirí No.

4, it developed, is his ace in the hole and this how its done.

You take two ounces of "Bacardí" and toss it into a

cocktail shaker. Add one teaspoon of finely granulated

sugar. Do not use powdered sugar which Constantino insists

has starch in it. Then add one teaspoon of Marraschino—a

cordial which is made from wild cherries grown in Dalmacia.

Squeeze in the juice of half a lime. Next toss in finely

shaved ice until the shaker is nearly full. This ice must be

shaved so fine that it's almost snow. Do not use cracked

ice, then place the shaker under an electric mixer one of

those malted milk stirrers in American Drug stores. Let it

stir.for about three minutes. It you haven't an electric mixer,

shake it rapidly in a regular cocktail shaker for about four

minutes. Meanwhile chill your glasses by pouring in cracked

ice and a bit of water. Now—toss out the cracked ice and

water, and strain your Daiquirí from the shaker into the

glasses through a half-strainer—one that is not too fine.

After Constantino had pitched me a few of these con-

coctions. I had to admit that he was in a class by himself

I don't kow what he's getting, but I think he ought to hold

out for more dough before he signs another contract.

— 10-