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The Cocktail Master


(Copyright 1937 by United Press)

HAVANA, March 2. (UP).—A gang of us were lolling

about the National Hotel Bar listening to mister Joseph.

Hergesheimer, the very sophsticated american novelist

giving off an erudite lecture about Cari Hubbel, the Glant's

pitcher, picturing him as a fine type of the rapidly dwindiing

race of true Americans, when somehow or other the general

conversation drifted to the subject of drinking. And without

a dissenting volee it was agreed that drinking was Cuba's

National Sport.

That's where Constantino Ribalaigua comes in. Constan.-

tino was not a member of our party. No indeed! Constantino

Ribalaigua is the cocktail king of Cuba—champion of the

Island's outstanding sport.

We first leamed about the king pin of Cuban drink dis-

pensers from our bartender when he whispered the ñame

of Ribalaigua. Then we sen't a committee of one to make

a telephone cali of Sloppy Joe's, the Plaza, the Sevilla, and

Prado 86. He returned and said the bartender was right.

The vote was unanimously in favor of Constantino Riba


Now, since I am down here to observe not oniy the Giant's

in their warm-ups, but aiso to investígate the purely native

sports -and their premier exponents. I figure that it was

my duty to investígate the style of this Ribalaigua's delivery
