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MechChem Africa

January 2017

Products and industry news

Robor recently donated 12 tons of steel

and assisted in the re-drawing of steel

boma designs to ensure the coordinators

of the ‘Rhinos Without Borders’ project

could continue with its valiant efforts to

Electrical malfunction and au-

to-ignition of combustible

materials due to expo-

sure to heat are two of the

most common causes of

fires. These threats have

resulted in the develop-

ment of the innovative

I-PROTECT low-pressure

automatic fire detection

and suppression system by

the Fire Division of I-CAT,

a leading environmental

solutions company.

I-CAT business devel-

opment and marketing di-

rector, Lourens Jansen van

Rensburg explains that the

electrical equipment most

often involved in auto-igni-

tion includes electrical wir-

ing, panel and switchboards,

transformers, generators, lighting, cords

and plugs. The most significant aspect

of combating electrical fires in confined

spaces is early detection, not only tomiti-

Fit-for-purpose 3D steel structure design tools



Process, Power&Marine (PP&M),

part of Hexagon and a world-leading provider

of enterprise engineering software to the pro-

cess, power and marine industries, has an-

nounced the releaseof IntergraphCADWorx


Structure 2017, an AutoCAD-based fit-for-

purpose tool for creating concrete and steel

structure designs for engineers who model

plant buildings, pipe racks, offshore topsides

and industrial structures that are part of the



president, Rick Allen says this solution has

been developed with end-users in mind. “It

includes the targeted tools needed to cre-

ate revenue-driven plant structure models

quickly and easily. Just as CADWorx Plant

Professional provides aneasy-to-use solution

for piping designers, CADWorx Structure is

focused on structural modelling and design.

CADWorx Structure has been purpose built

to deliver structural designs with virtually no

technical and administrative overhead.”

Allen explains that Intergraph CADWorx

& Analysis Solutions’ offering allows design

andengineering to share relevant information

seamlessly, therebymaintaining accuracy and

improvingefficiency. These includeCADWorx

Plant Design Suite, for AutoCAD-based

intelligent plant design modelling, process

schematics andautomatic productionof plant

design deliverables; CADWorx DraftPro



a free solution for intelligent 2D design and

layout; CAESAR II


, one of the world’s most

widely software used for pipe stress analysis;



, for vessel and exchanger design and

analysis; TANK™, for the design and analysis

of oil storage tanks; GT STRUDL


, one of the

most trusted, adaptable and fully-integrated



and tube exchanger, and boiler design and

analysis solution.

Steel donation assisting rhino relocations

preserve this endangered species. So far,

the project coordinators have facilitated

in the relocation of 31 rhinos, with further

plans to move 100 rhinos.

The steel will be used for the construc-

Protecting high-value electronic equipment from fire

gate the risk of injuries and fatalities, but

also to minimise equipment damage and

system downtime.

“However, the restricted and congest-

ed nature of most small rooms or enclo-

sures with electrical equipment or other

ignition sources means that early detec-

tion is difficult and unlikely,” says Jansen

vanRensburg, who adds, “I-CAThas found

a solution to this perennial problem with

the development of its I-PROTECT direct,

quick-response system.”


LTswitchgear,MCCelectrical panels, wind

turbines, data centres and server rooms,

and telecommunications environments.

“The system is ideal for any enclosure con-

taining high-value electronic equipment,”

says Jansen van Rensburg.

He explains: “The system consists of

I-PROTECT fire-detection tubing that is


fromafire-suppression cylinder. Theheat-


specific elevated temperatures, and then

suppresses the source of the fire virtually

instantaneously. The system activation

results inminimal to no property damage,

due to thenon-conductive andextinguish-

ing properties of the CLEAVOS 1230 sup-

pression agent used.

“The I-PROTECT tubing acts as a trig-

ger mechanism and directed discharge

method for the suppression agent at the

source of the fire. The tubing is purely

pneumatic in its functionality, anddoesnot

relyonapower source. This translates into

high system reliability, and a reduction in

the number of false alarms.

“The I-PROTECT system consists of

a cylinder, tube and accessories kit. The

cylinder kit includes a supply unit in the

form of a fire-suppression cylinder (1 kg,

2 kg and 5 kg capacities). The cylinder

is filled with the CLEAVOS 1230 sup-

pression agent, which is non-flammable,

non-conductive, non-hazardous, and

environment-friendly, and pressurised

with nitrogen up to 15 bar. The tube kit

consists of linear fire-detection tubing (in


pneumatic fittings.”

The I-CAT cylinder kit

includes a supply unit

in the form of a fire-

suppression cylinder

(1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg


tion of mobile steel section bomas that

can be moved from one release site to

another across reserves. The ability to do

this greatly reduces the trauma associated

with releasingmany rhinos fromthe same

boma and, therefore, significantly improv-

ing the success of the rhino project.

Robor is honoured to have been able

to assist in this worthy project and hopes

that its role in this journey will go a long

way toward the preservation of the rhino


Robor is a manufacturer and supplier

of steel products and associated services

across the automotive, mining, water,

construction, transport, renewableenergy

and telecommunications sectors.

The first steel section for the Robor mobile
