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direction of the Council of this Society I have the honour of

submitting the following matter to your Lordship and the other Judges named

by the 19th section of the 29th and 30th Vie., cap. 84 (1866) :—

A request has been recently preferred to the Council by certain head

masters of Irish Intermediate Schools that they would consider the advisability

of making some arrangement by which students might be enabled to qualify

themselves for the Solicitors' Apprenticeship without interfering with or

diminishing their chances of obtaining exhibitions and prizes under


Intermediate Education Act, and suggesting that the Latin authors (both

necessary and optional) of


the senior or middle grade mentioned in the

Intermediate programme for the current year might be presentable in place of

the three authors (Caesar, Sallust, and Virgil) required by the rules made in

pursuance of the Attorneys and Solicitors Act, on the understanding, however,

that this proposed change should not prevent any candidate from offering the

whole matter at present prescribed (Latin authors included) at the usual

quarterly examination.

The Council having carefully considered the foregoing request of the

head masters, and being desirous to meet their views as above expressed, now

wish to obtain the authority of your Lordship and the other Judges to enable

them to enter into the proposed arrangement, and, with that view, they have

prepared, and now submit herewith, for your Lordship's approval, a rule

embodying the foregoing terms.

I have the honour to be,

Your Lordship's obedient Servant,