Leadership Matters June 2014 - page 19

End of Year Happenings
Illini Bluffs Elementary School
Students at Illini Bluffs Elementary School participated in Earth Day activities organized by our local PTO. We
partnered with local organizations such as Wildlife Prairie Park, Ingredion and Bradley University. Students
learned about natural products, endangered animals and composting and they worked as teams to paint light
posts and clean up our campus.
Community High School 218
Dr. John Byrne, superintendent of
District 218 (far left), at the dance-a-
thon for Sickle Cell
research. Special education
students raised more than $2,000 for
the sickle cell research facility at the
University of Illinois.
Brothers Julius and Desmond
Means, each of whom received a
stem cell transplant from an older
brother, chose to organize this event
to benefit the facility.
High School
Dr. Gary
principal of
High School
in Blue
parents of
students who
rank in the top 10 of their class. We host a breakfast each spring
for the 40 students who rank in the top 10.
Shepard High School
Dr. Josh Barron (lower right in shirt and tie),
principal of Shepard High School in Palos
Heights, with physics teacher Brian Sievers
(orange Illinois polo shirt) and his team of
students who constructed a biodiesel reactor
at the Crestwood Public Works facility. This
amazing machine transforms used cooking
oil into clean diesel fuel.
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