Leadership Matters June 2014 - page 21

End of Year Happenings
Pleasant Hill Elementary 69
Pleasant Hill students have participated in
community service projects monthly
throughout the school year in order to learn
the importance of giving to others. In
celebration of World Autism Day and Autism
Awareness Month, Pleasant Hill staff and
students dressed in blue and participated in
an Autism Walk.
Nettle Creek 24C
Sixth grader Virgina Hayes, left, and fifth grader Ben Evenson
work on their school-issued computers. Nettle Creek School is
piloting a one-to-one technology initiative in four classrooms
with plans of go building wide for the 2014-2015 school year.
Nettle Creek, a rural one-school district with 87 students,
recently hired its first technology director. With support from
our Board of Education, an amazing PTO, and a remarkably
dedicated staff, the pilot is going very well. Parents, students,
and staff are extremely excited about this new tool for teaching
and learning.
Queen Bee District 16
Pictured are recipients of Character Counts
awards at our annual Character Counts
breakfast for the students from Queen Bee
District 16 in Glendale Heights. All of the
students and staff in the picture were
acknowledged for demonstrating one of the six
pillars of character in a consistent manner. A
breakfast was held to give out awards and Ms.
Illinois was the guest speaker.
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