Leadership Matters June 2014 - page 25

Mechanics Grove Elementary School in Mundelein is well on its way to
developing strong leadership skills in its students. Teachers and support
staff model leadership habits and create leadership opportunities throughout
the Grades 3-5 building. They encourage students to lead in the classroom
and school, design fundraising projects, and serve on leadership
committees. An illustration of the leadership opportunities children
experience can be observed as children design the gardens, hothouse
plants, and harvest the yields for local food banks. Leadership opportunities
are abundant in this school. In order for children to apply for jobs within the school
community, they learn to write letters of interest and complete job applications. Some
positions expect letters of recommendation from former teachers.
Mechanics Grove staff, like the other Mundelein School District 75 schools, believes
leadership skills are the key to molding self-confident leaders of tomorrow. Leadership
empowers children to take responsibility for their behaviors and their academic
success. In addition, leadership roles provide children opportunities to improve the
entire school community because students own the school community and find ways to
improve the culture. In the classroom, children co-create a classroom mission
statement, set academic and leadership goals and chart their growth to achieve these goals.
On Leadership Day students invite the community to learn about leadership through the eyes of children.
Through touching speeches, testimonials, songs, and musical performances children explain their interpretation of
the meaning of leadership. Some students perform musical selections with lyrics they composed. Following the
performances, students invite guests back to their classrooms to showcase how they manage schoolwork and
share 21st century learning experiences. In the evening, the community is invited to a Celebration of Learning and
the Arts event at Mechanics Grove. During this gala celebration that culminates a year’s worth of learning, each
student will proudly share their portfolios spotlighting their academic and fine arts products.
Mechanics Grove Elementary School is working on becoming a “Lighthouse
Leader in Me” school that reflects today’s changing 21st century world. Leadership
skills are essential life skills and characteristics that students will need for college
and career success, experts believe. The school has met 65 percent of the nine
goal areas for Lighthouse schools. Once achieved, Mechanics Grove will join a
select 72 schools internationally that are Lighthouse assigned. This is a real
accomplishment for the community. But more than that, this is a gold standard that
will last a lifetime in children’s actions and beliefs. Families, students, and staff
come to see this transformation as a lifelong gift to their future.
“The staff teaches students the habits and principles of leadership. Teachers
empower children to lead themselves so they in turn can lead others,” said Principal Kathleen Miller. “Throughout
the year the school embraces student leadership activities through a library patrol, student council, safety patrol,
student mentors, etc.
In addition, teachers give students a voice in the classroom. As the principal, we encourage student’s
opinion in the management of the school,” Dr. Miller explained. The school is a microcosm to practice community
belonging, decision making and ownership of the results.
Mechanics Grove leaders emphasize that students take responsibility for their actions,
their relationships, and academic and life's success. Respect, responsibility, and habits that
lead to quality relationships or interdependence are woven into instruction throughout the day.
Children learn to self-manage and lead themselves first. Every Mechanics Grove teacher
reinforces each child’s unlimited potential so clearly that they begin to see it in themselves.
“When you believe in your dreams, and you persevere, you will achieve greatness in your life,”
Dr. Miller said.
Leadership training in grades 3 - 5
By Margaret Van Duch,
District 75 Publicity
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