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This most promising form of deposit, in terms of production

potential, has been observed widely across the globe. Gas-

hydrate-bearing sands have been discovered offshore Korea,

where they are currently under evaluation as future produc-

tion test sites (Lee, S-R.

et al.

2011; Moridis

et al.

, 2013), and

have been reported as well from the Cascadia margin (Riedel

et al.

2006), the permafrost of Siberia (Makogon 1981), and

elsewhere. The best-studied occurrences are permafrost-as-

sociated sands on the Alaska North Slope (Collett

et al.


and the Mackenzie Delta of Arctic Canada (Dallimore

et al.

1998; Dallimore and Collett 2005), in the extensive deep-

water turbidites of the Nankai Trough, and the deeply buried

sands of the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The Alaska North Slope has a long history of oil and gas ex-

ploration. Gas hydrates were first inferred in 1972 during

initial exploration of the Prudhoe Bay oil field. Drilling data

from more than 1 000 wells in the area indicate that gas hy-

drates likely occur throughout the Alaska North Slope. They

have been confirmed within a thick sequence of sand reser-

voirs below the base of permafrost throughout a broad area

known as the Eileen Trend (Collett 1993). A second trend,

the Tarn Trend, was discovered in the early 1990s overly-

ing the Kuparuk River oil field (Collett 2002). In this case,

gas-hydrate-bearing sands are present largely within the low-

ermost permafrost-bearing section. Inks

et al.

(2009) used

standard industry seismic data to interpret more than a doz-

en specific gas hydrate prospects within the Milne Point unit

at the northern end of the Eileen Trend. In February 2007,

the most promising of these, the Mount Elbert Prospect, was

drilled, logged, and cored (Hunter

et al.

2011), confirming the

occurrence of a sand reservoir with gas hydrate saturations

ranging from 50 to nearly 80 per cent. In 2011, the Ignik Si-




kumi #1 research well confirmed similar occurrences of gas

hydrates in four separate sand reservoirs (Schoderbek and

Boswell 2011) in the western Prudhoe Bay unit.

The geology of the shallow sediments of the Alaska North

Slope, and of many other Arctic regions in which gas hydrates

occur, is dominated by sediments deposited in shallow-water

marine, coastal, and terrestrial environments. These conti-

nental deposits generally include significantly greater pro-

portions of sand-sized sediments than are typically found in

deep-water settings. Virtually all known gas hydrate occur-

rences in the Arctic are associated with sands. Prudhoe Bay

gas hydrates are charged primarily by the upward migra-

tion (aided by many faults) of gas leaking from the deeper

Prudhoe Bay oil and gas fields. It appears likely that gaseous

methane began to charge sand reservoirs prior to the evolu-

tion of gas hydrate stability conditions roughly 1.6 million

years ago (Collett 1993). Conversion to gas hydrates occurred

after the climate cooled dramatically during glacial times, ag-

grading thick occurrences of terrestrial permafrost.

Collett (1995) assessed Alaska North Slope in-place gas re-

sources from gas hydrates at 16.7 trillion cubic metres. Sub-

sequently, using information from the 2007 Mount Elbert

well and recent advances in numerical modelling (Anderson

et al.

2010), Collett

et al.

(2008) provided the first assessment

of technically recoverable resources from gas hydrates, indi-

cating a mean of 2.4 trillion cubic metres from Alaska North

Slope sand reservoirs using existing technologies.

Compared to the data available about permafrost gas hydrates

on the Alaska North Slope and the Mackenzie Delta, very lit-

tle is known about gas hydrates in the vast deep-water ba-

sins of the world. Perhaps the best-characterized occurrences

in sand reservoirs are those located in the eastern Nankai

Trough, off the southeastern coast of Japan (Figure 2.7). The