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Vol. XXII, No. 2]
JUNE, 1928.
The Half-yearly General Meeting of the
Society was held on Wednesday, the 16th
May, in the Offices of the Society, 45 Kildare
Street, Dublin.
Basil Thompson,
President, occupied the chair.
The following members were also present :
Messrs. R. G. Warren, A. H. S. Orpen, W.T.
Sheridan, W. Gordon Bradley, E. H. Burne,
Charles Laverty, J. J. Lynch, A. D. Orr,
Peter Scales, Patrick Tallan, Sir George
Roche, Messrs. C. St. G. Orpen, F. C. E. Bland,
E. N. Edwards, W. H. Fry, J. W. Dyas,
F. D. Barley, S. M. Bell, V. F. Kirwan,
E. R. Bate, D. D. MacDonald, E. R. McC.
Dix, P. J. Sheridan, E. J. Mallins, G. M.
Porter, J. Hollinger, H. T. Henchy, C. G.
Stapleton, J. P. J. Smyth, C. J. Joyce, Edwin
Lloyd, L. J. O'Neill, J. R. Cresswell.
The Secretary read the notice convening
the meeting, and also the Minutes of the
Half-yearly General Meeting held jin Novem
ber last, which latter were confirmed and
Upon the motion of Mr. R. G. Warren,
seconded by Mr. A. H. S. Orpen, it was
resolved that Mr. W. W. Carruthers, Mr. T. A.
Ireland and Mr. E. J. Mallins be appointed
Auditors of the Society's Accounts for the
year ending 30th April, 1928.
The President nominated the following
members to act as Scrutineers of the Ballot
for Council to be held on 21st November
next :—Mr. E. F. Collins, Mr. M. Dawson,
Mr. R. French, Mr. F. G. Sharpe, and Mr. N.
THE PRESIDENT, addressing the meet
ing said :—
Gentlemen, before dealing with the work
of the Society since the last General Meeting,
I would like to refer to the loss we have
sustained by the deaths of
two valued
members of our Council.
I refer to Mr.
James Moore and Mr. John G. Reid. The
former was a member of the Council since
1912, and was President for the years 1923-
1924. Mr. Reid was a member of the Council
since 1924, and was acting as senior Vice-
President at the time of his death. Both of
these gentlemen were highly respected and
beloved by the profession to whom they were
so well known.
I am sure you will join
with me in expressing sympathy with their
I regret that the Circuit Court Rules have
not yet come into force. They have been
approved of by the Rule-making Authorities
and signed by the Minister for Justice, and
are at present before the Dail and Senate.
They have been referred to a Joint Committee
of both Houses for consideration.
I trust
this will not mean much further delay.
Great inconvenience to the profession and to
the public has been caused by the failure to
put them in force.
By a decision of the High Court
validity of Orders made by the Master was
In view of the seriousness of the
situation created thereby your Council were