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Service is our
protecting you
is our
With JGS, you get the benefit of our extensive
experience in community association insurance.
We work with the nation’s top insurers to design
competitive programs that address your needs.
Let us show you your options.
Leadership and innovation
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Property | General Liability | Umbrella | Workers Comp
Directors and O cers | Environmental Liability | Flood
Equipment Breakdown | Automobile | Professional Insurance
To learn more call 877.547.4671 or visit
jgsinsurance.comProud members of
and Colitis Foundation, American Red
Cross, Make a Wish etc.).
All in all, there are a plethora of
fun and interactive ways associations
can show residents that they care
about them and their experience at a
property. Positive resident experiences
lead to higher retention, as those that
are happy will reside in the com-
munity for a longer period of time.
Additionally, if residents take an active
role in their community, it will enhance
and elevate their health, happiness
and well-being. A win, win for all
from page 35.
Are You in Compliance
with New Jersey Law?
CAI-NJ is proud to offer members
Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR)
Mediation Services
This program is an alternative to
litigation, as mandated by state law.
This service includes negotiation and
mediation with a neutral party, and
is offered to community associations.
Use our trained mediators to quickly
and economically resolve your dispute.
Examples of disputes covered are:
Rules Violations
Maintenance Problems
For information on CAI-NJ’s ADR
Program, please contact us at:
Phone: (609) 588-0030
info@cainj.orgCAI Member's Only: $300.00