A P R I L , 2 0 1 9
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
The Liberty House Restaurant
Community managers, community board members,
committees, homeowners and business partners join
our experts for an interactive discussion on unique
issues affecting high-rise communities.
Registration is complimentary for homeowner leadersandmanagers
thanks toour sponsors' generosity.
This informative session will address issues faced by boards, community managers,
committees, homeowners and business partners in high-rise communities. Our
experts will be available to answer questions in their respective fields of expertise.
• How to differentiate between a nuisance and harassment.
• When should the police be notified? When should use of amenities
be restricted? How and why to create a harassment policy, including
anti-nuisance provisions.
• When should a claim be filed? What should be included in the insurance
policy and what documents should be retained?
• Problems and solutions – A cheat sheet on harassment, what should be
considered as inappropriate behavior and what should be documented?
• Real situations from our business partners and how these situations
were resolved.
* This event requires a cancellation notice at least 72 hours in advance.
If a notice is not received, a $25 cancellation fee will be charged per
registrant. Substitutions are permitted if you cannot attend.
For CAI-NJ Office Use Only
2019 CAI-NJ High-Rise Summit Registration Form
Tuesday,May21, 2019
6:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
The Liberty House Restaurant
Inside Liberty State Park
76 Audrey Zapp Drive | JerseyCity, NJ 07304
Name/Designation(s): ______________________________________________
Company Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
Homeowner Leaders & Managers:
Business Partner Members:
Payment Options:
TOTAL: $_________________
Payment Methods:
1.) Pay by check, payable to CAI-NJ.
Mail completed form and payment to:
Attn: High-Rise Summit
500 Harding Road | Freehold, NJ 07728
2.) Pay by credit card. Please fax to (609) 588-0040.
Or email to angela@cainj.org.
Cardholder Name: _________________________________________________
Card Number:______________________________________________________
Exp. Date: ___________________Security Code:_________
Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________________
*Cardholder acknowledges receipt of goods and/or services in the amount of the total
shown hereon and agrees to perform the obligations set forth in the cardholder’s agree-
ment with issuer.
This course is approved by the Community Association
Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to
fulfill 3 hours of continuing education requirements for the
CMCA® certification. www.camicb.org.
Questions for our experts? Send to Angela