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A.S. Pre ident Vince Guilin expanded the re­

presentational scope of this year's A. .B. Vince's

main priority has been to make the A. . knowl­

edgeable of the university


tern thereby increa

ing awarene s of problem areas for th tudents.

Being in a financially ound position thi year, the

A. . as an organization effectively d viated from

the usual "Social" role, involving it elf in the

areas of services and academics. Thi provided the

student body with better representation and en­

abled them to have control over areas that should

be under student control.

Academically Vince is a five-year enior with

potential degrees in European Studies, lnterna­

tional Relations, panish, and who know what

else! Presiding over thi year's Exectuive Board,

enate, and Finance ommittee has b n helpful

in enhancing Vince' administrative talents, a

well a finance and per onal management skills.

Vice-President Joe Laub, junior, concentrated his

efforts on the direction of Program Board. Under

Joe's guidance, the Program Board was able to reach

out to all interests at U.S.D. and to provide the stu­

dents with many quality events. Joe was a major

force in coordinating "Theme Weekends", just one of

a variety of ideas introduced this year.

As a member of the Budget Committee, an advisor

to I.C.C., and a member of the ARGSB (student

research grant committee), Joe succeeded in bringing

an atmosphere of seriousness and business to the

office of Vice-President. Joe does admit, in his hu­

morous way, that with so much going on, it was

difficult to squeeze in academics.