USD's Cross Country team received a
facelift this past year. Junior Thom
Swanke and sophomore Carl Stewart were
the onlyveterans returning to the men's
squad. Kerry Barnsley was injured
throughout the beginning of the season
and did not compete. Tim Donovan re
turned as an assistant to coach Dick Rus
sell. Perhaps the brightest spots on the
men's squad were freshmen sensations
Shawn Delaney andRich Strobel.Shawn
turned in an excellent five mile time of
26:47 on his home course. Stewart lost his
status as first man on the squad to De
laney after he was hampered by injuries.
Coach Russell feels all his young runners
have the ability to become top caliberDi
vision I runners. All that is needed is a few
recruits toround out the squad.
Left to right: Tim Donovan, Shawn Delaney, Rich Strobel, Thom Swanke, Rick
Russell. Frontrow: Ellen Hughes, MaryKay Walker, FrancesHarris