APRIL, 1911]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,
Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society.
MEETINGS during Easter Sittings, at eight
o'clock p.m., in Antient Concert Rooms.
April 24th.—Legal Debate.—" That the case
Hulton (E) and Co. v. Jones
A. C. 20, was wrongly decided."
May 1st.—Debate.—" That the writings of
George Bernard Shaw are ephemeral."
May 8th.—Impromptu Speeches.
May 15th.—Debate.—" That the Hunger for
the bane of Modern
ALL communications connected with THE
GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should
be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,
Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.
THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for
sale and purchase of property, loans, securities
offered, and money for investments on mort
gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally
such advertisements as would be of service to
the members of the Society and theProfession.
Communications as to advertisements should
be addressed
to Messrs. Hely's Ltd., 28
Dame Street, Dublin.