Simulation Simplified:
A Practical Handbook for Nurse Educators
Sandra Goldsworthy
978-1-4511-4470-3 • March 2012 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 160 pp. • 10 Illus.
Welcome to
Simulation Simplified!
This text has been designed for
nurse educators/faculty in both academic or practice settings. The aim
of this instructor manual is to “simplify” the process of teaching with
simulation by providing many helpful tips, scenarios and templates that
you will be able to use right away.
The lessons learned from this text and accompanying electronic
resources will help take the mystery, the guess work and the difficulty
out of the components of implementing simulation. You will learn how
to create realism in your scenario, how to effectively design and unfold
a simulation scenario. In addition, you will learn how to facilitate high
quality debriefing/reflective thinking sessions after the simulation has
been implemented.
In the final chapter you will gain insight into international perspectives
on simulation and future directions. Simulation Simplified is comprised
of three components: an instructor manual, a student workbook and
electronic resources for both the nursing faculty and the students.
• Mini video vignettes and photos.
• Ten sample scenarios will be provided in the appendix with clear
instructions on how to develop further scenarios for labs through
the “recipe card” method.
• A student handbook and electronic resources accompany the
• An additional online component (for separate purchase), includes
links to clinical decision support materials from Lippincott’s Nursing
Solutions, providing support for students in their comprehension of
critical care scenarios.
Table of Contents
Ch. 1
1. Introduction and background
2. Teaching with high fidelity simulation
3. The Nursing Education Context
4. Advantages and Challenges
5. Summary
Ch. 2
6. Preparing for Simulation
7. Creating the Simulation Environment
8. Realism
Ch. 3
9. The Day of Simulation
10. The Recipe Card
11. Instructor Preparation
12. Student Preparation
13. Learning Objectives
14. Pre tests/Post tests
15. Running the scenario
Ch. 4
16. Feedback and Debriefing
Ch. 5
17. Revisions
18. Planning for next simulation
Ch. 6
19. Simulation on the International Front
20. Future Directions
Sample Case Scenarios 1-10
Recipe Card Templates
Helpful Tips