OMB Meeting Book_9-11-14 - page 276-277

LT Management
(Organization and Data collection/evaluation)
Protocol of the MLT
Enrolment letters
Docs for shipments (i.e. health or origin certificates)
E-mails (>500)
Contacts (>100)
1 file for recording all data and information from each participants
(the template also included calculations,
empty sheets for chromatograms and for given feedbacks)
1 file for collecting all information related to the shipment of samples to participants
departure until arrival)
1 file for collecting all data received from the participants
1 file for statistical evaluation of each sample according to ISO 5725
(i.e. Cochran, Grubb, with Mandel’s H & K)
1 file for recording/monitoring statistical decisions with the order of decisions taken
1, 2, 3…)
1 file for collecting final data
RSD r & R)
1 file for blind information
for samples/participants code)
1 file for homogeneity tests
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