OMB Meeting Book_9-11-14 - page 262-263

1. Method selected for SLV & MLT
2. List of fatty acids (single & group) selected for SLV & MLT
3. List of products selected for MLT
4. Homogeneity tests for MLT samples
5. List of MLT participants
6. Tasks of MLT participants
7. MLT Management
(3 slides)
8. Identified GC and/or Analyst contributions on the quality of MLT Data
9. Review of (SLV & MLT) Precision Data for SPIFAN samples
(12 slides)
10. Overview of Performance Data (SLV & MLT) vs SPMR for SPIFAN samples
(2 slides)
11. Review of Precision Data (MLT) for Dairy Products and Infant Formula (reference)
12. Review of Precision Data (P-test vs MLT) for Infant Formula used as Reference Sample
13. Chromatograms (enlarged view of C18:1 & C18:2
14. Review of Precision Data for recovery (Transesterification performance)
15. All MLT Statistical Data (all samples, all fatty acids)
16. Overall conclusions of the MLT on fatty acids
17. Lessons to learn from the MLT on fatty acids (SD Feedback)
18. Remaining questions?
19. Documents sent to ERP (21 July 2014) for September meeting
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