Ancient Mariners of the North Channel Yacht Club
Revised January 31, 2015
Article: (1) Name of Organization:
The name of the organization shall be:
The Ancient Mariners of the North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC)
Article: (2) Object/Purpose:
The object of their organization is to foster harmony and friendship among the
members of NCYC and to support the activities of the club.
Article: (3) Membership:
Membership in the Ancient Mariners shall be from among those NCYC members
in good standing and retired from their primary occupation or attained the age
of 60 (Sixty) years old. The membership is also open to all the men and woman
who have a spouse in the Ancient Mariners, regardless of age or retirement. The
membership will allow the spouse to have the privilege to run for any position on
the board and also the right to cast a vote.
Article: (4) Dues:
Section 1
The annual dues shall be recommended by Executive Committee
and be approved by a vote of the membership.
Section 2
Dues are due on January first and payable through January 31 to
the treasurer. New members shall pay dues upon joining the
Ancient Mariners.
Section 3
Members failing to pay their dues by February 1st shall be notified
by mail or email. Those not paying by February 28th shall forfeit
their membership.