Article (5) Officers:
Section 1
The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice
President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Ranking in that order.
Section 2
The officers shall be the Executive Committee, with the power to
make urgent decisions. The membership shall be so notified of
any such decision at the next regular meeting.
Section 3
In case of emergency, leaving a vacant position, the Executive
Committee shall appoint a person to fill that vacancy until the
next regular election.
Article (6) Election of Officers:
Section 1
Election of officers shall take place at the December meeting.
Newly elected officers shall take office immediately.
Section 2
Term of office is one year with a maximum two (2) consecutive
terms, unless a two thirds majority of members vote to void this
Article (7) Amendments:
Section 1
All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing.
Section 2
A thirty day notice will be given to the membership before voting
on the amendment.
Section 3
Any adopted amendment will be published in the Beacon.
Article (8) Meetings:
Section 1
Business meetings shall be held monthly at 1:00 pm (Except June
through September). Special meetings may be called by the
President as required, in which all members will be given due and
timely notice thereof.
Section 2
Meetings for the months of June through September will be
suspended and replaced with a luncheon at the North Channel
Yacht Club Facility.