dru.nk cold Tho s lmplo barley wa.ter bas not an un plcacant
t >1sto, a nd is ofton propurcd wit hout add itional flan•r . Yet
zest-i. e., t he th in yellow cuts of t hl:l rind of a lemon, or
lump s ugat· r ubhecl o,·et· to extract the oil, can be added as
flavoring, o t· a lemona<lo may be made uf barley wutt>J'.
Barley wate r ma..r be used tempora rily i11sLead of milk.
Lime Water.
Pour o,·c r a pieco of fresh unslacked limr, about 1•11 inch
squa re, Lwo q ua rts or hot wate r. Whe n it has f'lacl; Pd (in n
minutes) sttt· it Lhorou,. hly. LeL it remi•in o,·er nli; ht.
n ottlo cnrcfully all t he liquid t hat can be poured oIT in per–
fectly clear state.
As wutm· will on ly hold a ce t· amount of lime in
s e1lu t io11,
t he addition or rooro lime wou ld make t he water
or no
L ii ue water (an
I ~
gr nernlly added to milk for
t :ie purpose
neutralizing the
of a n acid stomach.
About a teaspoonful ton. t ablespoonful of lime water
a h a lf pint of milk i:> us ually prescribed.
Cinnamon Water.
ye or s ix stiuks (hair an ounce) of cinnamon to a
.,iuL of boiling water, a nd boil fifteen minutes.
T o be acl minis torod by t he tnblespoouful.
Givun for he morrhages.
Flaxseed Tea.
Add ha.If a cupful of flaxseed to four cupful!', or a quart,
of ])oiling waler. LPt it boil halr a n hour. Let it sLaud
fifteen or twou ty minutes near t ho fire a fter it has boiled .
Of course tho longer it stands tho thicker it becomes.
S Lrnin, sweete n to taste, a nd add a lit tle lemon juice, or not.,
as preferre d.
This ls a useful t!rmulcent drink for coughs, etc.