Fi ve q uarts wnlel'.
Six ounces hops.
Boil six hours , nft1•r which st rnin t his, nnd adding
f (' t> ·
quarts more waler a 11 1l Lw•·lve tablespoonfuls grnund ginger
I.Joli three ho urs lnngcr. Struin this and mi x wi1h tlw
formerly s t;·.ti 11cd liquor . Brul\' 11 deeply a loaf of b1·ead, ant'
pounding it line a dd to thP liq 1101·, and whe n it is nearly cult!
add a pint of 1Jrow1•r's
~· east,
allowing it lo fo rm.mt a daj
and a half (thirty.six hom·s) . Drnw off into a keg o r bottle:
tie corks down.
Lemon Beer.
One gallon wate1·.
One lemon sliced.
One tablespoon g round g inger.
One pint Sugar House syrup.
H alf pint yeast.
Mix t hor..ughly and let stand for one clay (tw1J nty.fo111
hours), wheu it will be ready to use.
bottled, t ie duw11
the corks.
Sweet Cider.
One hund red gallons water.
Five gallons honey.
Three o unces cateohu, powdered.
Five ounces alum .
Two pints yeast.
F erment for firteon days in a warm place (in the s un
possible); add, then, bitter almonds ha lf a po und ; cloves
half a pound; burnPcl s nga1·, two pi11ts ;
whi ~key,
gallo us .
acicl sho ul cl be in excess, correct by adding
I o ney or sugar.
too sweet, add s ulphu ric acid t o suit the
taste. We should prefer to add cider vinegar fo1· acidula–
ting, when necessary.