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do. gin.
small-sized lemon.
2. slices of orange.
I piece of pine-apple.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice.
Shake well, and ornarnent the top with berries in sea
son. Sip through a straw.
11. Gin Punch.
^ pint of old gin.
I gill of maraschino.
The juice of two lemons.
The rind of half a lemon.
" ' . ,
Four ounces of syrup.
' ,
1 quart bottle of German Seltzer water.
Ice '.veil.
12. Champagne Punch.(Per bottle.)
I quart bottle of wine,
lb. of sugar.
I orange sliced.
The juice of a lemon.
3 slices of pine-apple.
I wine-glass of raspberry or strawberry syrup.
Ornament with fruits in season, and serve in cham..
pagne goblets.
This can be made in any quantity by observing the
proportions of the ingredients as given above. Four
bottles of wine make a gallon, and a gallon is generally
sufficient for fifteen persons in a' mixed party. For a
good champagne punch, see ''Rocky Mountain Punchy
No. 43.