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341. Pineapple Syrup.

Take a pineapple, cut the outside peel ofE, and pound

it in a mortar; then strain it through a cloth; to 1% pint

of juice add 2 lbs of sugar, and boil it to the "small


342. Violet Syrup.

I lb. of violet flowers.

I quart of water.

3V^lbs of sugar.

Remove the stalks, etc., and pour the water on the

flowers hot; cover over and let it remain a few hours in

a warm place; then pass through a cloth; add the sugar

and boil to the "small thread;" the violet syrup sold in

stores is often adulterated.

343. Grape Syrup.

1% pint of water.

% do. sherry.

34^ lb. of elder flowers.

3 lbs. of sugar.

Made the same way as violet syrup.

344. Coffee Syrup.

1 pint of coffee.

2 pints of syrup.

Make a strong decoction of Mocha coffee, very clear,

to the amount of a pint; take 2 pints of syrup; boil it to

a "ball" and add the coffee; put it again on the fire;

boil it to a "pearl" and strain it through a cloth; bottle

it when cold.