Eat, drink and be merry, for to-morrow ye die.
Cold water is a mocker.
Drink not to drunkenness, be temperate in all things, that'you
may have health, wisdom and content.
Those who are engaged in the manufacture and s^ile of alco
holic vinous' and fermented liquors, are neither murderers, robbers
-nor burdens to society, that they pay a larger revenue b.r the sup- Si
port of government and society than every other class of business
s men and should be protected instead of persecuted.
The Savior converted the water at the wedding feast at Galilee, j
into wine because he preferred wine to water as a beverage.
There are a number of men who drink a hundred glasses of beer
in a day and continue to be healthy, active business men to a ripe
old age, but if we could just get one hundred glasses of water into rj
each prohibitionist in any one day, we would rid the country of a
5i terrible nuisance.
The Savior said wine would be drunk in heaven.
■VerilyIsay unto you,Idrink no more of the fruit of the vine
until that day that I drink it anew in the kingdom of God. Of |
I course there will be no prohibitionists in heaven.
The Savior ordained wine as the emblem of his blood.
If a man drinks a gallon of beer at one time, it will make him
drunk, if he drinks a gallon of water at one time it will either
burst him open or he will die with a sand bar in his stomach.
God created water and wine, man takes his choice
The Savior drank wine.
I He baptized with water.
i The Savior manufactured wine wheii water was abundant, he
I commanded the use of wine as a beverage, he also commanded the
I use of water for baptismal and sanitary purposes.
I One of the Savior'.s last acts on earth was to give his Apostles
I wine to drink, he washed their feet with water.