Manual for ESTRO Teachers
Accreditation from any relevant bodies should always be sought for these courses. Most ESTRO courses are accredited by UEMS (Euro-
pean Union of Medical Specialists), the reviewing process is conducted by ACOE (Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe). UEMS
accreditation is endorsed by EACCME, the European Accreditation Council for Continuous Medical Education and by the American
Medical Association (AMA). For courses aimed at physicists only accreditation is sought through EFOMP (European Federation of
Organisations in Medical Physics).
The reviewing process is lengthy and bureaucratic, and it must be submitted to the EACCME at least 14 weeks before the event. This
means that the ESTRO Project Manager will need a few documents related to the course quite early on, namely:
• The course’s programme (or at least a first version of it), including all details of the faculty
• The evaluation form
• A “Director’s Declaration”, completed and signed by the Medical doctor in charge of the course. In cases where the course director is
not a clinician, he/she will choose a clinician from the faculty to complete and sign this form
• A conflict of interest disclosure form signed by every member of the organising committee (ESTRO’s ETC)
Where there is a relevant national scheme, teachers can also count this activity as part of their own continuing professional development
A certificate of completion of the course will be given to participants who have attended all sessions. This is awarded following completion
of an evaluation form. The teachers receive a similar certificate.