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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[MAR.. 1909


An application by an apprentice \vho had

missed three lectures during Hilary Sittings

owing to ill-health, asking for credit for such

lectures, was considered, and permission was

granted to supplement such lectures by attend

ance at two additional lectures during Easter

and Trinity Sittings.

Costs Committee.

A report from the Costs Committee was sub

mitted and adopted upon the following query

as to what costs the vendor's solicitor was







stance :—Leasehold property of a deceased

was put up for sale by auction in several lots.

Lot No. 8 was sold for ,£150, the purchaser

signing a contract,'! and paying



deposit, and

£j IDS.

auction fees. Abstract of

title and documents to vouch were sent to her

solicitor ;

his requisitions were discharged,

draft conveyance approved of and returned ;

but it then turned out that the purchaser had

not money to complete, and time was given

for her to raise it. After attempts to obtain

the purchase-money failing, the lot was put

upon house agents' books for sale, and a pur

chaser offered


but declined to proceed on

inspecting abstractof title and copies of deeds

which had to be re-drawn, as the original pur

chaser refused to return those furnished to him.

Finally, the lot was sold privately for ^£125.


of the original deposit was, with consent

of vendors, returned to the original purchaser.

The decision of the Council was that the

vendors' solicitor is entitled to the scale fee on

the completed sale at ^125, and also


remuneration for the work done (in so far as

such work is not covered by the scale fee on

the completed sale) in connexion with the

attempted sale to the first intended purchaser,

drawn under the old system as altered by

Schedule II.

Labourers (Ireland) Act.

Letters from two solicitors in reference to

taxation of owners' costs for making title were

submitted, one of which was referred to the

Costs Committee to be dealt with, and a reply

to the other was approved of.

Council Meetings.

MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon

the following dates :—

March roth and 24th.

April 21 st.

Committee Meetings.

THE following Committee Meetings were held

during February:—

House, Library, and Finance, 3rd.

Land Act, 5th.

Bankruptcy Law, 5th.

Gazette, i7th.

New Members.

THE following have joined the Society during

February, 1909:—

Elliot, Thomas J., Belfast.

Magee, John H., Donegal.

Russell, Charles M., Downpatrick.

Walsh, Henry St. P., Tralee.

Commissioners to administer Oaths.

THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the

following to be Commissioners to administer

Oaths :—

Louis A. Finnegan, Income Tax Collector)


Walter John Joyce, Portumna.

Denis O'Carroll, Clerk of Rural District

Council, Castlecomer.

James Rankin, Clerk of Petty Sessions,



MR. William S. O'B. Leahy, Solicitor, died

on the ist February, 1909, at his residence,

Licadoon, Limerick. Mr. Leahy served his

apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr.

Michael Leahy, of Newcastle West, County

Limerick, and was admitted in Hilary Term,


Mr. Leahy, who practised in Limerick, was

appointed Sessional Crown Solicitor of Limerick

in 1892, and Crown Solicitor in 1893, which

office he held up to 1907, when he resigned.

He latterly practised in partnership with his

son, Mr. Edward Leahy, who carries on the

business under the style of Leahy & Son.

Mr. James J. W. Savage, Solicitor, died on

the 27th February, 1909, at his residence, The

Square, Castleblayney.