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MAR., 1909]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Mr. Savage, who served his apprenticeship

with Mr. Hunter Moore, Solicitor, of Newry,

was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1887, and

practised formerly in Newry, and latterly in


Mr. Edward V. Garland, Solicitor, died on

the 26th February, 1909, at his residence, 35

Highfield Road, Rathgar, Co. Dublin.

Mr. Garland, who served his apprenticeship

with the Right Hon. Sir Patrick Coll, K.C.B.,

P.C., was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1880, and

practised formerly (in partnership with Mr.

E. D. MacLaughlin) at 4 Palace Street, and

latterly at 73 Dame Street, Dublin.

New Solicitors.



Served apprenticeship to

Dowdall, Thomas J.,


Patrick J. Nooney, Mullin-


Hawthorne, James Woods,

James L . Galway, Belfast.

Purcel], Walter,



Barry C. Galvin, Cork.

Thom, Charles,



William H.Carson,Belfast.

Irish Land Act,



following further correspondence has

passed between the Council and the Chief

Secretary for Ireland :—

" Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle,


2nd February,


" Sir,— I have placed your further letter of

27th January before the Chief Secretary, who

instructs me to say that he does not at present

see any necessity for putting a deputation of

the Council of the Incorporated Law Society

to the trouble of waiting upon him.

" The Chief Secretary suggests

that the

Council should, in the first instance, submit to

him a full statement in writing upon the sub

ject which they wish to discuss, and upon

consideration of that statement he would be in

a position to judge whether any further pur

pose could be served by receiving a deputation.

" I am, sir, your obedient servant,


" W. G. WAKELY, Esq.,

" Secretary, the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland."


"The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,


" Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts,

"Dublin, 6th February,


" Sir,—I beg to acknowledge the receipt of

your letter of the 2nd inst., and in accordance

with the suggestion therein contained, I am

directed to send to you, for the information of

the Chief Secretary, the enclosed memorandum,

which contains a statement of the subjects

which the Council desire to discuss with the

Chief Secretary.

"The Council would call attention to the

fact that there are many particulars, the facts

of which they would desire to bring before the

Chief Secretary, and that it would be difficult

to do so in correspondence.

" The Council also consider that in discus

sing the contents of the enclosed memorandum

a deputation would be able to give the Chief

Secretary information as to the actual working

of the Land Act, 1903, which would be of

assistance to him in considering the points

raised in the memorandum.

" Under these circumstances

the Council

trust that the Chief Secretary will grant an

interview to the President and two Vice-Presi-

dents, either in Dublin or in London.

" I am, sir, your obedient servant,

" W. G. WAKELY, Secretary.


" C. T. BEARD, Esq.,

"Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle."

The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


with regard to

the Bonus on

Estates sold under section


of the Irish

Land Act,

1903. •

It appears


the Land Commission

Return, dated igth November, 1908, that the

Originating Requests under sect. 6,


prior to ist November, 1908, comprise:—

(1) Estates for purchase of which

advances have been made,


(2) Estates for which offers to pur

chase have been made and

accepted by the owners,



(3) Estimated purchase-money of

164 other estates, which have

been offered under sects. 6

and 8,






(i) have got, and (2) will get, a Bonus of

12 per cent, under (he terms of Mr. Birrell's