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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[FEB., 1909

Co. Kildare.—At Naas, Monday, March isth,

at 11.


Rt. Hon. the Lord Chief

Justice (Lord O'Brien) and the Rt. Hon. the

Lord Chief Baron.

Registrars. —

Mr. Cholmondcley B. Clarke,

Airfield, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin; and Mr.

Francis Kennedy, Lissadel, Blackrock, Co.


The Land Commission.


THR following sittings of the Court of the

Land Commission for hearing appeals have

been provisional!)' arranged :—

Dublin, February 25th, 1909 ; Leinster (part


Belfast, March 2nd, 1909; County Antrim

and County Down.

Cork, March gth, 1909; County Cork (part


Dublin, March iSth, 1909; Leinster (part

of). -

Castlerea, March 2jrd, 1909; County Ros-

common (part of).

Reported Cases on Costs.

THIS book, published by the Society some years

ago, contains a collection of


reprints of

the* Reports of cases relating to costs decided

in Ireland from 1867 to 1891; and also of such

of the English cases on the Solicitors' Re

muneration Act up to 1891 as are applicable

to the law in Ireland. It consists of 755

pages. The remaining copies will be sold at

the reduced price of




extra, and

can be obtained from the Secretary of the

Society, Four Courts.

Calendar of Incorporated Law Society, 1909.

THE Calendar and Law Directory, published

by the Society, for 1909, can be obtained in

the Secretary's office, price three shillings, or

by post three shillings and fotirpence.

Solicitors' Benevolent Association.

A MEETING of the Directors was held on the

ijth day of January, 1909, Mr. Win. Fry, J.P.,

in the chair, and fourteen other members


The Secretary reported having received

^269 17^.


in annual subscriptions since ist

January, a donation of

£10 IDS. od.

from Sir

Benjamin Whitney, and a life subscription of

£10 los. 'od.

from Mr. Charles Gamble.

Grants amounting to


were made to eight

applicants since ist January.

Mr. W. H. Corker was enrolled a member

since previous meeting.

A meeting of the Directors was held on the

27th day of January last, Mr. Wm. Fry, J.P., in

the chair, and eleven other members present.

The Secretary reported having received


bs. od.

in annual subscriptions since last

meeting, and donations

£\o IQS. od.

from Mr.

Richard S. Reeves, and £"5 5^.


from Mr. R.

Blair White.

Candidates were selected for the election of

an Annuitant of ^15, the election to be held

on the 24th of the present month.

Three applications for relief were received,

and grants of ,£10 made to each.

The following new members were enrolled

since previous meeting : —

Mr. James Cecil Parke, Clones.

Mr. John Corr, Coalisland.

ALL communications connected with THE

GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should

be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.

THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for

sale and purchase of property, loans, securities

offered, and money for investments on mort

gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally

such advertisements as would be of service to

the members of the Society and the Profession.

Communications as to advertisements should

be addressed to Messrs. Ponsonby, 116 Grafton

Street, Dublin.

Dublin :



PONSONBY & GIBBS, at the University Press.