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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[FEB., 1909

examination, and their names are arranged

in order of merit:—

Alfred E. Walker.

Thomas J. Dowdall.

John Johnson.

Patrick C. Markey.

William H. Girvin.

Patrick J. Kerley.

The Court of Examiners have awarded a

Special Certificate to Alfred E. Walker.

Twenty-one candidates attended; six passed;

fifteen were postponed.

Candidate No. 8 will not be permitted to

again present himself for final examination

until January, 1910.

March Intermediate Examination.

The Intermediate Examination for appren

tices will be held upon Monday, the ist day

of March, at twelve o'clock noon. Notices to

be lodged on or before isth February.

Legal Appointments.


MR. Michael D'Alton, Solicitor, of 70 MidclK-

Abbey Street, Dublin, has been appointed

Registrar to His Honour Judge Barry, County

Court Judge of Counties Carlow, Kildare,

Wexford, and Wicklow, in room of the late

Mr. Henry A. Coffey, Solicitor.

Mr. Edward Joseph Mallins, Solicitor, of 7

Anglesea Street, Dublin, has been appointed

Registrar to His Honour Judge Drummond,

County Court Judge of Counties Cavan and



room of Mr. F. E. Kennedy,

Solicitor, resigned.

Mr. Justice Andrews has appointed Mr.

Hugh J. Jones, Solicitor, Waterford,

to be

District Probate


at Waterford,

in room of Mr. Vesey C. Nash, Solicitor,

resigned. Mr. Jones was admitted a Solicitor

in Michaelmas Sittings, 1899, and practise's in



Justice Johnson has appointed Mr.

Vesey C. Nash, Solicitor, to be Marshal of the

Court of Admiralty in room of Mr. Owen L.

Wynne, resigned. Mr. Nash was admitted a

Solicitor in Trinity Sittings, 1889, and prac


in Cork until last October, when he

was appointed District Probate Registrar in



MR. Henry A. Coffey, Solicitor, died on the

nth January, 1909, at Dublin. Mr. Coffey,

who served his apprenticeship with the late

Mr. Robert O. Longfield, formerly of 62 Upper

Sackville Street, Dublin, and latterly of 25

Clare Street, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary

Sittings, 1880, and practised at 16 Talbot

Street, Dublin.

Mr. William H. Nason, Solicitor, died on

the I7th January, 1909, at Dublin. Mr. Nason,

who served his apprenticeship with the late

Mr. James Lane, of 33 North Great George's

Street, Dublin, and Cork, was admitted in

Trinity Term, 1874, and practised formerly at

Midleton, Co. Cork, and subsequently at 17

Grantham Street, Dublin.

Mr. Anthony Nolan, Solicitor, died on the

3oth January, 1909, at his residence, South

Hill House, Nenagli. Mr. Nolan, who served

his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Louis G.

O'Neill, of Sandford Park, Dublin, was ad

mitted in Michaelmas Term, 1862, and prac

tised in Nenagh until 1907, when he retired.

Prior to his retiring he practised in part

nership with Mr. John H. Dudley, who carries

on the business under the style of Nolan and


New Solicitors.



Baker, Conyers,

Campbell, Bernard,

Crawford, Samuel "

Sweeney, Frank,

Whyte, J. Campbell.

Served apprenticeship to

Walter Nokn, Clonmel,

and G. H. Sargint, Cahir,

Co. Tipperary.

Joseph Donnelly, Belfast.


Hellyer, Francis C. Joynt, Dublin.


James E. O'Donnell, Lon


F. G. Dickson, London-

. derry.

Irish Land Act, 1903.


following farther correspondence has

passed between the Council and the Chief

Secretary for Ireland :—

" The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,

"Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts.



^th January,


" Sir—Referring to my letter to you of the

i4th ultimo, enclosing memorandum on the

subject of the percentage payable under the