FEB., 1909]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Land Act of 1903 on pending sales, I am
directed by the Council of this Society to
state that they desire to add to that memoran
dum the following further paragraph :—
"' (_/) Estates which were
inspected, or
otherwise dealt with by the Congested Districts
Board, on, or prior to, the 24th November,
"My Council are anxiously awaiting the re
ceipt of the communication referred to in your
letter of the i5th ultimo to me, and my Council
would be glad if you would consent to receive
a small deputation, consisting of three mem
bers of the Council, in reference to the matters
dealt with by the memorandum which I sent to
you upon the i4th ultimo.
" I remain, your obedient servant,
" W. G. WAKELY, Secretary.
"The Right Hon. the Chief Secretary for Ire
land, M.P., Dublin Castle."
" Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle,
"•January iqth,
" Sir,—With reference to your letter of
ultimo, forwarding a memorandum by
Council of the Incorporated Law Society of
Ireland on the subject of the Irish Land Bill, I
am directed by the Chief Secretary to state that
since the introduction of the Bill its financial
clauses have received further consideration,
with the result that the Government have de
cided to make certain alterations in the Bill as
it will be re-introduced early next Session.
" It is intended to provide in the new Bill:—
"(i) That the original rate of bonus—12
per cent —shall be paid in respect of agree
ments lodged with the Land Commission or
entered into by the Land Commission or the
Congested Districts Board up to 24th Novem
ber, the date of the Treasury revision.
"(2) That the acceptance by the vendor of
the Estates Commissioners' preliminary esti
mate of price shall, for the purpose of the
bonus only, be deemed to be an agreement,
although the formal purchase agreement was
not signed until after 24th November. Cases of
proposed purchase which have not reached the
stage of acceptance by the vendor of the Com
missioners' preliminary estimate of price will
not be included under the head of agreements
made on or before 24th November.
"(3) That in the case of estates sold to
persons other than the Estates Commissioners
or the Congested Districts Board, in respect of
which some, but not all, of the purchase agree
ments were lodged with the Land Commission
on or before 24th November, the bonus of 12
per cent, shall be payable only in respect of
the purchase-money represented by agreements
so lodged.
" (4) That the bonus of 12 per cent, shall be
payable in respect of the purchase-money of
land in regard to which the Estates Commis
sioners have published notices in the
under section 2
(i) of the Evicted
Tenants Act, 1907, provided that either:—
An offer to purchase under sub-section
(4) of that section was made before 24th
November, 1908, or
the vendor had before
that date accepted the Commissioners' pre
liminary estimate of price, and an offer to
purchase at the price is subsequently made
under sub-section (4) of the said section.
" It must be understood that while it is the
present intention of the Government to make
the alterations above indicated, they must not
be understood to be giving final pledges on the
"The Chief Secretary considers that
matter in question cannot properly be made
the subject of Treasury notice in the
as suggested by your Council, but he offers no
objection to the publication of this letter.
" I am, sir, yours truly,
" W. G. WAKELY, Esq.,
" Secretary to the Incorporated Law
Society of Ireland."
"The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,
" Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts.
"Dublin, ^\st January,
" Sir,—I beg to acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of the igth instant, which will be
considered at the next meeting of the Council
of this Society.
" I remain, your obedient servant,
" W. G. WAKELY, Secretary.
"The Right Hon. the Chief Secretary for Ire
land, M.P., Dublin Castle."
"Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle.
^^nd January,
" Sir,—With reference to your further letter
of the i gth inst. raising the additional question
of the percentage to be payable in the case of
sales to the Congested Districts Board which
were pending on 24th November, 1908, I am