The Gazette of the incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
" RESOLVED—The attention of the Council
" of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland
"having been called to the fact that solicitors
" have been invited by advertisement to send
" in
to Boards of Guardians
"transacting business in connexion with the
" Labourers Acts, the Council feel bound to
" state, for the guidance of members of the
"profession, that it is
in their opinion un-
" professional
tender for
" business in reply to such advertisements" ;
and it was ordered that a copy of this resolution
be sent to the solicitor.
Court Sittings.
Upon the suggestion of a member of the
profession, it was resolved to write to the Lord
Chancellor, requesting that upon days upon
which meetings of the Benchers are held at
11 o'clock a.m. a notice should be inserted
in the Legal Diary, announcing a definite hour
at which the Courts would sit for the disposal
of business.
An application by a solicitor for renewal of
his certificate was submitted, and granted.
An application by an apprentice who had
passed his Final Examination, for an order
under section 25 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act,
1898, sanctioning his having acted upon three
occasions as deputy registrar for a Clerk of the
Peace at a revision of voters, was considered;
and as the Council considered it was an office
of such a character as would benefit
apprentice in his education and not interfere
with his service, it was resolved not to oppose
the application.
A memorial from a law clerk and intending
apprentice, praying for a modified Preliminary
Examination under section 18 of the Solicitors'
(Ireland) Act, 1898, was submitted, and it was
decided not to oppose the granting of the
The Council then adjourned.
The Council met upon Friday,
the 27th
November, 1908. The President (Mr. G. H.
Lyster) in the chair, and twenty-five other
members being present.
Bye-laws of the Council.
The bye-laws of the Council, and also rules
relating to election of President and Vice-
Presidents, were adopted.
Notaries' Fees.
letter was read from a Dublin Notary,
enclosing a copy of notary fees settled by
Dublin Notaries, and the list was referred to
the Costs Committee for consideration.
Court of Examiners.
A report from the Court of Examiners upon
two applications by law clerks seeking to be
bound under section
16 of
the Solicitors
(Ireland) Act, 1898, was submitted.
It was
resolved that one application should be granted,
and that the other should be refused.
The Council adjourned until the 2nd of
Council Meetings.
MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon
the following dates :—
January 13th and 27th.
Committee Meetings.
THE following Committee Meetings were held
during November:—
Court of Examiners, 2nd.
Gazette, gth.
Costs, 22nd.
Court of Examiners, 24th.
Parliamentary, 2sth.
New Members.
THE following have joined the Society during
November, 1908:—
Collins, John P., Dublin.
Goold, Graham A., Cork.
Hanrahan, Francis X., Cork.
Lemass, Henry, Dublin.
MacCarthy, Florence F., Cork.
Noonan, Thomas, Navan.
O'Hare, Patrick J., Newry.
Reddy, Charles J., Dublin.
Results of Society's Examinations.
AT the Preliminary Examination, held upon
the 8th and 9th October, the following passed