Metropole Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
■^^0 dashes gum syrup; two dashes
Peychaud bitters; one dash orange
bitters; one-half brandy; one-half French
vermouth. FUI with ice, mix, and strain
:'nto a cocktail glass.
Narragansett Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
^TWO-THIRDS whiskey; one-third Ital-
ian vermouth; one dash absinthe. No
oitters. FUI with ice, mix, and strain into
a cocktaU glass.
Navy Cocktail,
Use Mixing Glass.
of quarter orange; one dash An-
O gostura bitters; one-quarter Italian
vermouth; threo-qoarters Bacardi rum.
FUI with iot,
'oto a
cocktaU glass-