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This is according to Saartjie Duvenhage,

chairperson of Aspasa’s technical

committee on Quality Management, who

adds that co-operation and communication

are the key ingredients to delivering

aggregates that conform to standards. She

adds that authority should also be vested

in those responsible for maintaining quality

at every step of the process from the pit, to

production, transport and ultimately sales

and delivery of the product.

A slip at any one of these stages could

undermine efforts and may lead to the

delivery of inferior products. It follows

therefore that ultimate responsibility

should also be vested in managers of these

departments who should have the authority

to halt processes at any stage if there is a

deviation from the set requirements.

Shared responsibility

“It is easy to see how conflicts can arise

when you look at a typical operation

in which production staff are often

preoccupied with pushing production,

sales staff with pushing sales and logistics

staff making arrangements to store and

transport the aggregates. On the other

end, you have the quality inspectors and

laboratories ‘slowing’ down the process and

getting in the way of reaching targets.

“To avoid conflict however, we have

found that quality should be placed at

the forefront of divisional managers’ key

performance indicators (KPIs). They need

to understand that without consistency and

quality, their efforts are misguided.

After all, quality gives marketers something

unique to sell. Consistency gives them a

good reputation.

The catchpoint is that it does not help

to have lots of product if your market is

diminishing if you are losing clients due to

quality concerns.

“Nowadays, buyers in construction firms

are increasingly being tasked with finding

quality rather than the cheapest materials.

The aggregates industry is now being

judged on quality as much as it is on price.

Therefore, the channels of communication

between seller and buyer needs to be

clear to ensure the right product is delivered

at the right price. If for whatever reason

there is a variation in quality, this also needs

to be communicated to the client who may

either make allowance for the variation or

not use it until the situation is remedied,”

says Duvengahe.

Risk mitigation

She explains that quality inspectors and

laboratory staff tasked with the monitoring

of aggregates must be empowered to act

and communicate directly with manager to

make well informed decisions.

After all, if there is a comeback or a

court case it will be decided by the

results of the laboratory tests and the

action taken by those in authority to

remedy the situation. “Ultimately, if quality

can be improved it will influence the entire

operation positively in terms improved

income and better long term relationships,”

concludes Duvenhage.

Improving aggregate standards

Saartjie Duvenhage addresses members of Aspasa’s technical committee on quality.

Aggregate producers need to embrace quality across all areas of their

quarrying operations in order to obtain the kind of consistency required on

modern construction sites.