August 2016
lectra Mining is reputedly the larg-
est trade show in Africa and is
certainly one of the largest mining
shows in the world. Although in
recent years some of the ‘big name’
suppliers of mining equipment to the mining
industry have been absent, the total number
of exhibitors has increased and Electra Min-
ing remains one of the most important events
in the mining calendar. Given the recession in
mining, it will be interesting to see how many
visitors it attracts this year but the organisers
are hoping for around 40 000 – a figure that
has been achieved in the past (although not in
2014, when the last Electra Mining was held).
The show has the support of leading indus-
try associations including the Southern African
A preview of
Electra Mining
Visitors crowd the
aisles at the 2014 event. The
organisers are expecting
up to 40 000 visitors at this
year’s show.
Outdoor stands at
Electra Mining Africa 2014.
EMA is regarded as the
largest trade show in Africa.
Taking place from 12-16 September at the Expo Centre in
Johannesburg in an economic climate that is anything but
favourable for the mining industry, Electra Mining Africa
(EMA) 2016 is nevertheless expected to have over 850 local
and international exhibitors who will collectively occupy
38 000 m
of indoor and outdoor exhibition space.
looks at what visitors to the show can expect to see.
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM),
the South African Institute of Mechanical
Engineers (SAIMechE), the Engineering