August 2016
‘Green mining’ solutions fromMMD
MMD will be showcasing innovative ways to improve mining efficiency and
lower emissions, delivering on its promise of providing truly ‘green mining’
solutions. The focus will be on the MMD twin shaft mineral sizer which is
a compact, high capacity and versatile machine capable of handling wet,
sticky or hard material either separately or together.
To complement the mineral sizer, MMD has created a range of equip-
ment such as a heavy duty apron plate feeder. The MMD feeder has rolled
plates, a unique feature for a feeder, which ensures minimum spillage
through the plates to efficiently deliver material for processing with mobile,
semi-mobile and static In-Pit Sizing & Conveying (IPSC) units to offer the
ultimate sizing solution.
The use of IPSC systems enables the use of conveyors for the long haul
of material out of the mine, which in conjunction with fully mobile units
eliminates the use of trucks for the long haulages.
existing and new customers, as well as forge
more alliances with industry participants in
just a few days,” says Kim Schoepflin, the com-
pany’s MD.
This year’s EMA will provide Joest Kwatani
the opportunity to exhibit the Derrick range of
engineered fine screening solutions. The com-
pany was recently appointed the exclusive
representative for these technologies in select
coal and iron ore mining regions in South Africa,
and across the country’s borders. Schoepflin
says the company’s sales and support functions
will be undertaken in partnership with Derrick
Solutions International Africa which, like Joest
Kwatani, has dedicated as much as 40 % of its
engineering skills to R&D.
The company’s stand will include a heavy
media cyclone separation pilot plant featuring
vibrating screens and feeders. The plant will
simulate the recovery of sinks and floats on its
single deck screen.
These will be complemented by the OEM’s
comprehensive portfolio of drives, as well as
discussions on Joest Kwatani’s new full load
exciter gearbox test bay. The company says it is
the only OEM to test run its exciter gearboxes
in-house with full weights under plant operat-
ing conditions.
A prominent exhibitor in the field of safety
solutions will be
MSA Africa
, which will
focus on innovative technology at this year’s
show, according to Product Marketing Manager
Suraksha Mohun. “Our whole approach is based
on being a holistic solutions provider, as opposed
to being perceived as a traditional supplier of
standalone products. We want to showcase how
the company has grown and evolved in being
able to meet all the requirements of our diverse
customer base,” Mohun explains.
An example of the latest developments
from MSA Africa is the integration of its new
Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) technology into
the G1 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
(SCBA) control module. What this effectively
means is that every firefighter can now have
TIC on hand, which represents a significant
boost in terms of personnel safety.
Other new products include the MSA
AirXpress 2 Fire, a highly economic SCBA with
customisable configurations for a range of first-
responder applications. A standout feature is
the adjustable flow rate on the demand valve,
which not only allows for comfortable breath-
ing but efficient air consumption as well.
Still in the safety arena,
Booyco Electronics
which claims to have already secured the
foremost market position with its Pedestrian
Detection System (PDS), has recently launched
Joest Kwatani screens in the
company’s manufacturing
its fully integrated Asset Protection System
(APS) for surface equipment.
Anton Lourens, MD of Booyco Electronics,
Aury Africa’s Managing Director, Mark Houchin.