require time to settle down after movement. These
latter beers should be held up to the light before
opening the bottie in order to ascertain that any
natural sediment has settled, and care should be
taken in pouring not to disturb this sediment tmduly.
CASK BEERS.^—Many hospitable people hke to
offer their friends that perfect product—beer drawn
straight from the wood, and most of the well-known
brands are readily obtainable in casks of convenient
sizes. The most popular size for the small household
is the pin, of approximately four and a half gallons
capacity; then comes the firkin of about nine
gallons. The simple procedure involves merely an
order for dehvery to the Victoria Wine Company,
whereupon a burly representative will deposit the
welcome cask in its duly appointed place, insert
the tap into its appropriate home(an expert business
this), and leave you to the tranquil enjoyment of
En^and's national beverage.
LAGER BEERS.-—The bretving of Lager has from
time immemorial been the prerogative ofthe German,
Dutch and Swedish Houses. Latterly, however,
several Enghsh breweries have met with conspicuous
success in the brewing ofthis fight,agreeable beverage.
Competent judges are of the opinion that the best
British Lagers are equal to the finest Continental
brews in every respect.
Draught Lager is now a popular vogue at fashionable
parties, and several Lagers are now available in
syphon casks of moderate capacity, which require
no other apparatus or technical knowledge in their use.
Here's How to Make
Put a quart of good Ale in a saucepan, add i tablespoonful
of castor sugar, a pinch of ground cloves, a pinch of grated
nutmeg and a good pinch of ground ginger. Bring nearly
to boiling point,add a wineglassful of Jamaica Rum or Cognac
Brandy,and serve hot.