Summer Drinks
B ?i dem
Scald three-quart ers of a pound of sweet
almon ds and three d rams of bit te r almonds,
then skin and pound them in a mort ar until
they become a pulp .
Mix thi s wi th three–
quart ers of a p int of wat er, and pass it through
Put the res idue in the morta r and pound it
aga in, and mix this with another three-quart ers
of a pi nt of wat er. Pass it aga in through muslin.
Then p ut in a 'st cwpan n vo and three-quarter
pounds of powdered sugar and the liquor. Stir
well and let it bo il for one minu te . P ass through
mu slin aga in, and co rk.
Dighir V ishna
Cherry Sherbet
Put three pounds of crush ed suga r into a
st ewpan with t wo p ints of cold wat er, and the
whit e of an egg well beat en up. Stir well and
put on the fir e. When it boils t ake off the scum,
and let it simmer till t hi ck, then add one pound of
ch erries with the st ones removed and also the
st alks . L et it boil gently fo r another few
mi nutes, t hen r emove it.
When n ea rly cold, t ake the che rri es out, and