Summer Drinks
and the first ones, and leave :ig:im fo r tn· ent v–
four hours.
Then strain through muslin, and add one
pound of suga r for each pint of ju ice.
Boil for thirty minut es , and wh en cold, bottl e.
This improves with age.
Orange Vinegar
Peel three dozen oranges, remove all the \\·hite,
slice them, and cover them with a q u:i rt of
best French whit e wine vi nega r. 1\ l ash \\·e ll
and strain through a j elly bag . Then t o each
quart of juice allow one and thr ee-quar ter pounds
of granulated suga r.
Boil for ten minutes, cool, and bottle.
Peel and slice three pineapples very thin, and
cover them with whit e w ine vinega r. L eave
them for thr ee days, then ma sh them \\·ell and
strain through a j elly bag.
To each qu art of juice allow one an d three–
quarter pounds of sugar.
Boil for t en minut es, skim, and bottl e.