Sumn;er Drinks
Raspberr_r V i11egar
Bruise four pounds of raspb erri es , and stir
them three quarts of \\·ater. L eave for
two d ays, then stra in, :md add four pounds of
brown sugar :md a quart of ffhite \Yine vi nega r.
Stir well, and bottle for three or four months
befor e using .
Raisin Vin ega r
Take what quantity of \Yater yo u please, put
it into a jar, and to every ga ll on put two pounds of
Malaga rai si ns, then co,·e r
jar and set in the
sun or a warm place till flt for use.
Gooseberr·y V i11e<Jar
Take som e gooseberries fully ripe, and bruise
them to pulp, then measure them and to every
quart of goose berries put three quarts of cold
boiled water.
Let it stand t went y-four hours, then strain
through a coarse cloth, an d to e\'ery ga llon put
one pound of brown suo-:n, then stir
toge ther and put it into a jar covered up m a
warm place for nine months, when it will be
fit for us e.
It improves by keeping.