!17inter Cordials
ingredients being lime juice, sugar, rum and
Old English Punch
Rub the rind of a lemon on a quar t er of a pound
of loaf sugar. Di ssolve the suga r in boiling ,,·n er,
then add half a pint of boiling ale, a g ill of strong
hot tea, the juice of a lemon, and a wi neglas s eac h
of brandy and rum. Mix well.
Elderberry Punch
Put two bottles of elderberry wine into a bowl
with four pounds of icing sugar and three p ints of
boiling water. Mix well, then add a thinly
sliced lemon and some grated nutmeg.
Mulberry wine can be substituted for elder–
Port !17ine Punch
Put into a skillet one and a h alf t ab lespoonful s
of icing sugar, a slice of lemon, two slices of
orange, two wineglasses of port wine, and the
same of water.
Make all hot without boiling, strain, and