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Eamonn G. Hall

Selected Government Acts and

Bills Before the Oireachtas


The following list includes selected

Government Acts and Bills as at July

16, 1992. The Dail adjourned on

July, 10, and the Seanad on July 16,

1992 for the summer recess.

Irish Land Commission


Bill, 1989

(Bill No. 11 of 1989)

(With Explanatory Memorandum)

This Bill provides for the dissolution

of the Irish Land Commission, for

the winding up of the system of land

purchase, for the transfer of certain

functions exercisable under the Land

Purchase Acts, and for other

connected matters.

Presented in the Dail by the Minister

of Agriculture and Food 2/3/89.

Present position: at Committee stage

in the Dail 11/6/92.

Environmental Protection


Act, 1992

(No. 7 of 1992) (With

Explanatory Memorandum as


This Act provides for the

establishment of an Environmental

Protection Agency which will have

the following main functions: the

control and regulation of scheduled

activities likely to pose a major risk

to environmental quality; the general

monitoring of environmental quality;

the provision of support, back-up

and advisory services to public

authorities and the promotion and

co-ordination of environmental

research. The Act also provides for a

number of miscellaneous matters

relating to the protection of the

environment and for the increase of

certain penalties.

Presented 10/12/90. Present position:

passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 15/4/92. Enacted

23/4/92. Commencement date: 23

April, 1992.

Road Bill, 1991

(Bill No. 12 of 1991)

(With Explanatory and Financial


This Bill provides for the

construction and maintenance of

public roads, establishes a national

roads authority, provides for

motorways, busways and protected

roads, and other connected


Presented by the Minister for the

Environment 25/4/91. Present

position: referred to a Special

Committee of the Dail 7/7/92.

Dublin Institute of Technology Act,


(No. 15 of 1992) (With

Explanatory Memorandum as


This Act establishes the Dublin

Institute of Technology, defines its

functions and provides for connected


Presented by the Minister for

Education 14/6/91. Present position:

passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 10/7/92. Commencement

date: expected to be 1 January,


Regional Technical Colleges Act,


(No. 16 of 1992) (With

Explanatory Memorandum as


This Act establishes statutorily as

Regional Technical Colleges the

existing nine such Colleges as well as

the Limerick College of Art,

Commerce and Tfechnolgy; defines

main functions and provides for

connected matters.

Presented by the Minister for

Education 14/6/91. Present position:

passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 10/7/92. Commencement

date: expected to be 1 January,


Patents Act, 1992

(No. 1 of 1992)

This Act makes new provisions in

respect of patents and related

matters in substitution for the

provisions of the Patent Acts, 1964

and 1966, which are repealed subject

to transitional provisions; enables

effect to be given to certain

international conventions on patents.

Presented by the Minister for

Industry and Commerce 15/7/91.

Present position: passed by both

Houses of the Oireachtas 19/2/92.

Enacted: 27/2/92. Commencement

date: 1 August, 1992.

Solicitors' (Amendment) Bill, 1991

(Bill No. 31 of 1991) (With

Explanatory Memorandum)

This Bill amends and extends the

Solicitors' Acts 1954 and 1960. The

more important provisions are as

follows: increases the Law Society's

powers to deal with complaints

against solicitors and to intervene in

solicitors' practices; provides for the

appointment of a legal ombudsman

with power to oversee the handling

by the Society of complaints against

solicitors; strengthens the powers of

the Disciplinary Committee of the

High Court and provides for lay

membership thereof; amends the law

relating to the Compensation Fund

to provide that claims on the Fund

may in future be made only by

persons who are clients of solicitors;

provides for compulsory professional

indemnity insurance, updates and

amends the Society's functions in

relation to the education and

training of solicitors; promotes

competition in the provision of legal