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The Solicitors (Amendment) Bill, 1991 is now before a select committee of the Dail.

services by allowing fee advertising

and granting power to banks to

provide conveyancing services and to

banks and trust corporations to do

probate work. Provides for other

related matters.

Presented by the Minister for Justice

23/10/91. Present position: referred

to a Special Committee of the Dail


Control of Dogs (Amendment)



(No. 13 of 1992) (With

Explanatory Memorandum as


This Act amends the

Control of Dogs

Act, 1986,

and provides additional

powers to more effectively deal with

the problem of dangerous dogs.

Presented by the Minister for the

Environment 29/10/91. Present

position: passed by both Houses of

the Oireachtas 3/7/92. Enacted

11/7/92. Commencement date: no

commencement date as yet.

Local Government (Planning and

Development) Act, 1992

(No. 14 of

1992) (With Explanatory

Memorandum as initiated)

This Act amends and extends the

Local Government (Planning and

Development) Acts 1963 to 1990,


relation to appeals and other matters

with which An Bord Pleanála is

concerned and in relation to legal

proceedings challenging the validity

of decisions by planning authorities

and the Bord.

Presented by the Minister for the

Environment 5/11/91. Present

position: passed by both Houses of

the Oireachtas 9/7/92.

Commencement date: not available.

Land Bond Act, 1992

(No. 4 of

1992) (With Explanatory

Memorandum as initiated)

This Act provides principally for

dissolution of the Guarantee Fund

established under the

Purchase of

Land (Ireland) Act, 1891,

and the

Land Bond Fund established under


Land Act, 1923,

and the transfer

of moneys therein to the Exchequer.

The moneys needed to pay dividends

on and to redeem land bonds came

from these Funds. The funds are no

longer required because all

outstanding land bonds were redeemed

on 3 April, 1989. Amends and

extends the Land Purchase Acts and

provides for other related matters.

Presented by the Minister for

Finance 27/11/91. Present position:

passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 11/3/92. Enacted:

18/3/92. Commencement date: 29

May, 1992.

Merchant Shipping Act, 1992

(No. 2

of 1992)

This Act provides further for the

safety of passenger ships, passenger

boats, fishing vessels and pleasure

craft; amends the

Merchant Shipping

Acts 1894 to 1983

and provides for

related matters.

Presented by the Minister for the

Marine 3/12/91. Present position:

passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 5/3/92. Enacted: 11/3/92.

Commencement date: 1 August,


Milk (Regulation of Supply) (No. 2)

Bill, 1991

(Bill No. 40 of 1991)

(With Explanatory and Financial


This Bill provides for the dissolution

of the Milk Boards system and the

establishment of a National Milk

Agency; repeals the

Milk (Regulation

of Supply and Price) Acts, 1936 to


Presented by Senator Sean Fallon

5/12/91. Present position: second

stage in the Seanad passed 30/1/92.

Criminal Evidence Act, 1992

(No. 12

of 1992) (With Explanatory

Memorandum, as initiated and as

passed by both Houses of the


This Act amends the law of evidence

relating to criminal proceedings in

three main respects - (a) makes

admissible in evidence information

contained in certain business and

administrative documents, including

computer printouts, (b) deals with

young persons and persons with

mental handicap giving evidence in

cases involving physical or sexual

abuse,, and (c) sets out the

circumstances in which the spouse or

former spouse of an accused person

is competent and compellable to give

evidence at the instance of the

prosecution, the accused or a co-


Presented by the Minister for Justice

31/1/92. Present position: passed by

both Houses of the Oireachtas

1/7/92. Enacted 7/7/92.

Commencement date: 7 October,
