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Sol i c i tors Contr ibute £ 6 7 , 0 00 to

Soma l ia Fund

President Mary Robinson thanks Law

Society members for Somalia contribution

Over £67,000 was contributed to the

Solicitors' Somalia Fund by solicitors

around the country, following an

appeal launched by the then

President of the Law Society,



at the end of September.

The Council of the Society decided

to transmit the money raised to the

President of Ireland,



to disperse as she thought

fit, in the light of her recent visit to

Somalia. In a letter to the Society

Mrs. Robinson said:

" I would like to acknowledge

receipt of a cheque for £67,000 from

the Incorporated Law Society to be

used for the benefit of the Somalian


"Having had an opportunity to see

the Irish aid agencies at work on the

ground I have decided to funnel all

monies received through them for

distribution in Somalia and Northern

Kenya. Attached please find details of

the agencies who will receive £13,400

each from the Law society's cheque."

The letter concluded: "I would

appreciate it if you would pass my

sincere thanks to your members. As

you know the visit was an arduous

one, both physically and emotionally,

but responses such as the Law

Society's have made it a particularly

rewarding experience."

Aid Agencies which will benefit

Christian Aid

Inter Church group; work through

agencies on the ground rather than

by deploying their own personnel.

Focus on mid term, rather than

immediate, relief.


Operating in Baidoa and Mogadishu

during the President's visit - now

in Mandera as well. Focus on

feediong and therapeutic centres.


Operating in Baidoa and Afgoi

during the President's visit. Focus on

orphans and on medical care.

Irish Red Cross

Work with the International Red

Cross and Red Crescent. Operating

in Baidoa and North Mogadishu

during the President's visit. Focus on

feeding centres and medical care.


Operating in Mandera during the

President's visit. Focus on

repatriation of refugees from the

Gedo area.

It is not too late to make a

contribution if you have not already

done so. All donations received will

be forwarded to the President of

Ireland to add to the monies already



Michael D. White




Capt. Thomas C. Nash


Marine Consultancy;

Independent Marine Surveyors;

Marine Expert Witness;

Ship to Ship Transfer;

Vessel & Terminal Safety Inspection;

Recruitment; Procedures Manuals.

Cooleen House, Rushbrooke,

Cobh, Co. Cork.

Tel: 021-811677



The late Michael D. White

The death took place in the summer

after a short illness of

Michael D.


Solicitor, Carndonagh, Co.

Donegal, President of the Donegal

Bar Association for the last fifteen

years and a practising solicitor for

upwards of sixty years.

Mr. White was apprenticed in 1924

and qualified as a solicitor in 1928.

He worked for a short period of

time with Jasper Wolfe, solicitor,

Skibbereen, Co. Cork, before setting

up practice in Carndonagh in 1930.

He practised until 1988 when he

retired at the age of 82.

Interested in golf, Mr. White was a

founder member of the Ballyliffin

Golf Club and a life member and

trustee of Greencastle Golf Club. He

was also a vocalist of considerable

talent and was for many years a

member of the church choir.

A man of many talents, Michael D.

White had a long association with

Carndonagh Dramatic Club and will

be remembered for his many

outstanding performances with the


A gregarious and outgoing man, Mr.

White was actively involved in his

local community and was very well

known to the profession throughout

the country.