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President to Meet Taoiseach About Compensation Fund

Report of the October meeting of the Law Society Council

At its meeting on 16 October, the

Council of the Law Society endorsed

a decision by the President of the

Society to seek a meeting with the


Albert Reynolds,


the introduction of a cap on the

level of any one claim on the

Compensation Fund. It was the

Council's view that the profession

could not continue to operate the

Compensation Fund in an open-

ended manner and that the Fund's

original raison d'etre to compensate

small claimants had been lost sight


The Chairman of the Compensation

Fund Committee reported that the

committee was preparing a report

that would put before the Council

certain options for dealing with

claims against the Fund, including a

strategy for a "doomsday" scenario.

£13,000 mi n imum salary

At the meeting on 16 October, the

Council approved a motion, brought

forward at the behest of the Younger

Members Committee, recommending

that the minimum starting salary for

newly-qualified solicitors should be

£13,000 per annum. The Council

took the view that such a guideline

would be helpful to practitioners

employing newly-qualified solicitors,

and that, regardless of the number

of solicitors qualifying, those who

were successful in finding

employment should be paid a fair

and proper rate.

New Ethical Obligations on Doctors

The Council noted a new statement

in the Medical Council's Ethical

Guide which imposed an obligation

on doctors to provide medico-legal

reports. The new statement made it

clear that doctors were under a

moral and ethical obligation to

provide such reports and that failure

to do so would amount to

professional misconduct. The

Council viewed this as a significant

advance since the Society's Litigation

Committee had been lobbying the

Medical Council on the issue for the

past five years.

The Council of the Law Society

noted that an appeal to the Supreme

Court on the issue of stand-by fees

would be heard shortly. This

followed a recent case in which

stand-by fees had not been allowed

by the Thxing Master, whose views

had been upheld by the High Court.

Committee to examine White Paper

on Marital Breakdown

The Council approved the

establishment of a Family Law

Committee to deal with family law

and legal aid issues. One of the first

tasks of the Committee will be to

examine the proposals in the

Government's recent White Paper on

Marital Breakdown.

Moya Quintan

was appointed Chairman and



was appointed Vice


Annual Conference 1993

The dates for the Society's Annual

Conference 1993 were fixed for 20-23

May. The venue chosen was the

Connemara Coast Hotel, Furbo, Co.


The J.P. O'Reilly Memorial Scholarshi p

Founded by Dr. A.J.F. O'Reilly to honour the memo ry of his late father,

the Fund provides a

Scholarship of £10,000

to contribute t owa r ds the

cost of a t t endance at a full-time or part-time MBA course.

The Fund seeks to promote knowledge of commercial law and corporate

finance amo ng young Irish solicitors.

The award - wh i ch may be apportioned amo ng candidates - is by

compe t i t i on, open to all apprentices and solicitors qualified w i t h in the

last ten years w h o satisfy entry requirements (see below) for an approved

MBA course, wh e t h er at home or abroad.

The c ompe t i t i on will have t w o tiers:

(1) An essay of b e t we en 3 , 0 00 and 5 , 0 00 wo r ds in a comme r c i al law

subject chosen by the candidate;

(2) a panel interview wh i ch will assess the backg r ound interests,

mo t i va t i on and potential of selected essayists.

App l i ca t i ons to participate to be made not later t han 8 January, 1993;

and essays should be s ubm i t t ed by the 28 January, 1993. The

successful candidate is expected to c omme n ce the s t udy p r og r amme

in Au t umn, 1993. Telephone or write to Emily Francis or Sharon Hanson,

Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Tel: 710711.

MBA Requirements

These are threefold:

- normally a primary degree, c ommo n ly w i t h first or second class

honours or an approved professional qualification,

- wo rk experience at an acceptable level of responsibility over a period

of three, four or five years depending on the institute and the

candidate's other qualifications.

- a passing grade in the Graduate Ma n a g eme nt Admi s s i on Test

(GMAT). The GMAT is internationally recognised and can be taken

in centres in all countries. I n f o rma t i on is available from:Graduate

Management Admission Test, Educational Testing Service, CN6103

Princeton NJ 0 8 5 41 - 6103, USA.