berry
syrup,
one
tablespoon
of
white
sugar,
juice
of
one-half
lemon;
fill
tumbler
with
ice,
shake,
dress
with
fruit
and
serve
with
straws.
Philadelphia
Fish
House
Punch
—
Original
Recipe
Use
large
bar
glass.
One
tablespoon
of
sugar,
one-half
pony
glass
of
peach
brandy,
one-half
pony
glass
Cognac
brandy,
one-half
pony
glass
Jamaica
rum,
one-half
wine
glass
water,
half
a
lemon;
fill
with
cracked
ice,
shake
well
and
serve.
Imperial
Punch.
[For
Party.]
One
bottle
of
claret,
one
bottle
of
soda,
five
tablespoons
of
sugar,
one-quarter
grated
nutmeg,
one-half
pony
mareschino
(liquor),
ice,
few
slices
of
nutmeg,
two
or
three
bay
leaves;
put
into
pitcher,
mix
well,
and
serve
in
small
bar
glasses.
St
Charles
Punch
Use
large
bar
glass.
One
tablespoon
of
sugar,
one
wine
glass
of
port
wine,
one-half
wine
glass
of
brandy,
few
dashes
of
lemon;
fill
up
with
cracked
ice,
ornament
with
fruit,
and
serve
with
a
straw.
Army
and
Navy
Punch.
[For
Party
of
20.]
Use
four
bottles
of
champagne,
well
iced,
one
bottle
of
Cog-
nac,
six
oranges
and
one
pineapple;
slice
the
fruit
and
pour
over
them
in
a
bowl,
the
Cognac,
let
them
steep
for
two
or
three
hours
in
a
cool
place,
add
the
champagne
and
serve
with
ladle
in
champagne
glasses.
National
Guard
Punch
One
tablespoon
of
sugar,
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
one-half
wine
glass
of
California
(or
Cognac)
brandy,
one
wine
glass
of
catawba
wine,
one-half
pony
glass
raspberry
syrup;
fill
with
ice,
mix,
and
serve
with
straws.
Manila
Punch.
Use
large
bar
glass.
One
tablespoon
of
sugar,
two
table-
spoons
of
vanilla
extract,
one
wine
glass
brandy,
dashes
of
lemon
and
raspberry
juice;
fill
with
cracked
ice
and
serve
with
straws.
St.
Croix
Hum
Punch.
Use
large
bar
glass.
One
taolespoon
of
sugar,
juice
of
one-
half
lemon,
one
wine
glass
St.
Croix
rum,
one-half
wine
glass