Kentucky
Toddy.
Short,
thick
glass.
One
lump
sugar,
dissolve
with
water,
two
lumps
ice,
a
good
drink
of
Bourbon,
slice
of
pineapple,
small
bar
spoon.
Customer
will
do
the
rest.
Milk
Toddy.
Goblet
with
a
few
lumps
of
cracked
ice,
a
spoonful
sugar,
a
good
drink
whiskey;
fill
glass
very
nearly
full
of
milk;
stir
un-
til
it
gets
frothy,
withdraw
ice,
nutmeg
on
top,
serve.
Admiral
Dewey.
Large
bar
glass.
The
juice
of
one
orange,
three
squirts
of
syrup,
one-half
glass
of
ice,
two
squirts
of
chartreuse,
one
jig-
ger
of
Cognac,
one
squirt
of
Santa
Cruz,
one-half
jigger
bene-
dictine,
one
squirt
orange
bitters;
shake
well,
strain
into
tail,
thin
glass,
dress
with
a
little
fruit
and
serve.